Author Archives: Adrian Meli
Pictures to help save shelter dogs’ lives
We saw this post and thought we would repost it as we largely agree with it: The basic premise is that a nice photographer has been volunteering her services to post pics of local shelter dogs in an effort … Continue reading
Using statistics to help fundraise
Here is a good post with some relevant data you might want to collect if trying to raise money: We like to spend a lot of time thinking about the statistics and math involved with helping animals because we … Continue reading
Might Texas be the first no-kill state?
We saw this post about all the progress being made in the no-kill movement in Texas, which is already showing very high save rates in major cities. It is pretty fascinating to see how quickly the movement is gaining … Continue reading
What to make of this paid foster idea
So, we recently learned about this section of the rescue world that foster animals for a fee. Conceptually, the idea of a paid foster makes sense, as this is better than a dog being in a boarding facility long term … Continue reading
Awesome idea- matching service for volunteers
We came across this article recently on Catchafire and thought it was a great idea: The basic idea for this website is to match potential volunteers with organizations looking for volunteers based on their interests, time requirements, and location. This … Continue reading
Helpful document on no kill shelter guidelines and proof it works
We ran across this and thought it was worth a read as it had some basic no-kill information as well as data that shows shelters can helps save animals’ lives by in effect trying harder: The data is very compelling … Continue reading
Austin Humane Society wish list for people looking to help out
We saw this link to a wish list for the Austin Humane Society that we thought would be worth posting for those looking to donate to their local animal shelters: The list is pretty comprehensive, so if you have any … Continue reading
Who rescued who? The story of Roadie
I saw this post the other day and thought it was special: The story is about a nice man who rescued a 15 year old dog who had been abused for the last 7 months of his life, even though … Continue reading
Great idea we heard over the weekend on fostering
We were speaking with someone about pet charities and fostering and, after discussing our experience with Cosita, she mentioned how commonly fosters end up keeping their foster dogs. She then told us of a rescue group that makes fosters agree to not keeping any of the … Continue reading
Great resource-ASPCA webinars
We came across this today and wanted to flag the page of webinars that the ASPCA is hosting. It is a great resource to say the least and has many interesting talks from spaying and neutering to keeping animals safe … Continue reading