We almost adopted another dog :-)

Jen found a small terrier mix lost in the middle of the street. She went up to the dog to try to grab him before he got hit by a car and the dog was extremely friendly and went right up to her and let her pick him up.

The dog was thankfully microchipped and had an id tag on him. Jen called the number and the service was unable to reach the owner at the time, so she thought she was going to end up taking him home with us for the night. She by some fluke did not take a picture of said cute dog because she thought we were going to have to hold onto him for a while so I am not sure whether this is a bit of a tall tale but I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Back to the story…the service gave her a street name but not address so Jen walked the dog up the street and randomly ran into his owner who was out looking for him. It turns out his name is Teddy and he and his owner were extremely excited to be reunited. The $75 purchase of the microchip for Teddy saved his owner a great deal of heartache, so the moral of the story is that the microchip is a must have for you and your dog. This story had a happy ending because the owner cared enough about her dog to have him microchipped so if you haven’t chipped yours please take him or her to the vet today and do so.

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