We came across this article the other day: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/17/pitbulls-landlord-discounts-rent_n_1790737.html and thought it was an awesome idea. Sandy, a landlord, decided to offer discounted rent on one of her units if the renter would adopt a rescue dog. Assuming of course the family who took the apartment was screened so that they were a good home for the dog, this seems like a fantastic idea.
Many apartments charge extra fees, larger deposits, and ban certain breeds so the idea of reversing it and giving a discount to people who adopt dogs seems like a wonderful idea. This may actually even be a good economic decision. Depending on the size of the discount, you might find that the average tenant you recruit by offering a rescue discount is a better tenant because they like having an apartment that caters to dogs so churn might go down. Sandy was clearly not financially motivated in doing this but it may be a case where her huge heart has natural positive ramifications.
I think as the rescue trend continues to grow through social media and otherwise we will continue to see great and innovative ideas like this. What a wonderful idea to say the least-would love her to be my landlord!