I read an extremely interesting story about an incredible dog named Ricochet very recently: http://www.surfdogricochet.com/.
While all dogs are amazing, this golden retriever has a very unique skill set: she knows how to surf! Not only does she surf, she surfs with special needs humans. She surfs next to them, jumps on their board, etc. Ricochet has been all over the media circuit as both an inspiration and fund raising magnet.
His owner calls her a “surfice dog” (clever we think) and has raised a few hundred thousand dollars. I put her website link above but you can also find him on youtube-she has a video on there that got millions of views!
Ricki is apparently the only surfing dog who surfs with special needs kids worldwide. Her goal is to help people who are disabled, bullied or otherwise in need overcome obstacles and feel great about themselves. Her ambition is to help people be true to themselves. What an amazing dog doing amazing things.
We have been thinking about getting Cosita certified as a therapy dog but we have yet to find any truly amazing talent that she has exhibited. Like father like daughter I suppose